On pain of death, she makes Ying-ying bow to her and swear fealty before beginning her martial arts/chi-based training in earnest. Amah tells her that she is part of a secret society, and that she has been thinking of indoctrinating Ying-ying into it for years. One night, however, she finds her Amah coming back from a strange midnight excursion, all drenched in blood. Ying-ying is raised by her Amah, and kept out of sight. She and her mother are kept by Fu-ren's consort, Da-ren. Ying-ying is the only daughter of a beautiful Chinese courtesan. If you think that either of those things means that this book is deceptive or boring, however, you have another think coming.
Hidden blade full#
It's also published by a publishing house that gears towards an adult audience, but the two main characters in this book are both teenagers throughout the full course of the novel. BLADE is being tagged as a romance, but the love in this book isn't romantic - it's so much deeper than that. THE HIDDEN BLADE is a genre-defying novel, which is the only explanation I can comprehend for why this only has 600 ratings instead of 6,000. I'm supposed to be working on a major assignment right now that's due tomorrow and then going to bed, because I have to wake up at 3:00AM for an overnight shift at work, but I haven't done any of that because I've been too busy reading this book. Instagram || Twitter || Facebook || Amazon || Pinterest BLADE is being tagged as a romance, but the love in t Instagram || Twitter || Facebook || Amazon || Pinterest I'm supposed to be working on a major assignment right now that's due tomorrow and then going to bed, because I have to wake up at 3:00AM for an overnight shift at work, but I haven't done any of that because I've been too busy reading this book. 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon' meets 'Downton Abbey,' this remarkable tale of friendship, danger, and coming of age will stay with you long after you have finished the last page.

They do not know it yet, but their lives are already inextricably bound together, and will collide one fateful night when they least expect it. He dreams of escaping to find his beloved friend-but the friend is in China, ten thousand miles away.

Torn from his family, he becomes the hostage of a urbanely sadistic uncle. Half a world away in England, a young boy's idyllic summer on the Sussex downs implodes with the firing of a single bullet. What future is there for such a girl? But a mysterious figure steps forward and offers to instruct her in the highest forms of martial arts-a path to a life of strength and independence. What future is there for such a girl? But a mysterious figure steps forward and offers to instruct her in the highest forms of martial In the waning days of the last dynasty, in a quiet, beautiful corner of imperial Peking, a young girl's blissful ignorance is shattered when she learns that she is the illegitimate daughter of an English adventurer and a Chinese courtesan. In the waning days of the last dynasty, in a quiet, beautiful corner of imperial Peking, a young girl's blissful ignorance is shattered when she learns that she is the illegitimate daughter of an English adventurer and a Chinese courtesan.